nickel alloy seamless pipe tube

Inconel 725 Pipe

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Inconel 725 Strip

nickel alloy sheet

Inconel 725 Sheet

nickel alloy round bar

Inconel 725 Bar

Inconel 725 Alloy

inconel 725

What is Inconel 725 Alloy?

As a leading supplier and manufacturer in China, HZW supply cost-effective Inconel 725 alloys products.

INCONEL® alloy 725 (UNS N07725) is a nickel chromium-molybdenum-niobium alloy that is highly resistant to corrosion and is age hardenable for extremely high strength.

It has essentially the same corrosion resistance as INCONEL alloy 625, which is widely used in a broad range of severely corrosive environments.

The strength of age-hardened INCONEL alloy 725 is of the order of twice that of annealed alloy 625.

Because the strength of alloy 725 is developed by heat treatment, not by cold work, ductility and toughness remain high. Also, strength can be imparted to large or non-uniform sections that cannot be strengthened by cold work.

High levels of nickel and chromium provide corrosion resistance in reducing and oxidizing environments. The substantial molybdenum content enhances resistance to reducing media and provides a high degree of resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion. Additionally, the combination of elements makes the alloy resistant to hydrogen embrittlement and stresscorrosion cracking.

The properties of INCONEL alloy 725 are useful for a range of applications that require outstanding corrosion resistance along with high strength. The alloy is used for hangers, landing nipples, side pocket mandrels and polished bore receptacles in sour gas service, where it resists the effects of hydrogen sulfide, chlorides and carbon dioxide. The alloy is also attractive for high strength fasteners in marine applications, where it resists corrosion, pitting and crevice attack in sea water.

Inconel 725 Standards


-Seamless Pipe & Tube


-Bar & Forgings


-Rod, Bar & Wire

Inconel 725 Chemical Composition

inconel 725 chemical composition

Inconel 725 Data Sheet

Inconel 725 Equivalent Grades

Alloy 725N07725

Inconel 725 Mechanical Properties

DensityMelting PointTensile StrengthYield Strength (0.2%Offset)Elongation
8.31 g/cm31343 °C (2449 °F)780-1300Mpa330-920Mpa60% – 27%

Inconel 725 Related Resources

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